There are so many fantastic organizations and individuals in metro Atlanta that are working in numerous ways to be better stewards of the environment. How much more efficient and effective would their efforts be if it all was part of a master plan - a Collective Impact Plan?


Root Local is creating the foundation for metro Atlanta’s collective impact planning by:

  • 1

    Convening local and regional environmental nonprofits, government agencies, community members, businesses, schools, community groups and philanthropists.

  • 2

    Encouraging collaboration to identify priorities and opportunities and to foresee changes in our community’s environmental needs over time.

  • 3

    Educating people and businesses in the community on the environmental impact plan, and connecting them with information and organizations that can amplify their ability to achieve their own, as well as the plan’s, sustainability goals.

  • 4

    Creating connections between the 15 core environmental sectors so stakeholders can speak with one voice, have one vision, and measure their collective impact.

The mission of collective impact planning focuses on establishing, defining, and holding each other accountable for a shared vision within our community. Through these essential ways, we will influence the future of Atlanta's natural resources, uplift organizations doing the day-to-day work, and connect community members to services.


This shared agenda allows us to share metro Atlanta’s environmental success story to local, state, and national communities.


The collective impact planning cycle has 5 key phases:

  • Phase 1

    Identify stakeholders in each environmental sector, collect survey feedback from communities, and create Pollinator Network Committees.

  • Phase 2

    Establish working groups and steering committees, create shared vision/goals/metrics for each environmental sector, and promote vision within the community.

  • Phase 3

    Promote services that align with goals of community members and the core environmental sectors.

  • Phase 4

    Fundraise and initiate community programs that align with the collective impact plan.

  • Phase 5

    Evaluate shared metrics, realign goals to continue towards shared visions, promote continuous recruitment, share information, and provide opportunities for engagement.